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Pricking Irons

The thickness, length, width of our pricking irons are carefully defined with serials of tests.
Every single tooth is hand polished.  
Leather Craftsman Academy pricking iron gives you a perfect stitching profile.
Our pricking irons comes in 2.45mm(
#11),2.7mm(#10), 3.0mm(#9), 3.38mm(#8), 3.85mm(#7) spacing.

1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 teeth are available.
Normal teeth( HOLES direction /  /  /  /) and reverse teeth( HOLES direction \ \ \ \) are available.
Due to strong needs, some of our pricking irons may have a longer lead time about 4 weeks.
1 tooth, USD 30.
5 teeth, USD 66.
2+10 teeth, USD 145. (2 and 10 teeth are sold in a set, 3.85mm is 2+9 tooth)
20 teeth, USD 255.

30 teeth, USD 295.

Shipping not included. / Paypal accepted.

備註:皮革職人學院臉書社團每年會有2-3次團訂,售價優惠 打9折,請注意社團貼文

Noted, Leather Craftsman Academy pricking irons spacing specification follows Blanchard rules.

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